I would like to thank GemSeal for the support I’ve received, especially from your team in Memphis. Your staff has guided me throughout every process since I started my business in April 2018. Recently, with the help of your financing program, I was able to purchase a new Graco with cart. None of this would be possible without the Memphis-based team. They have all assisted me to create a better life for my family. Once again, thank YOU for YOUR support and all you guys have done for my business, family, and myself.

Lance Phillips
Precision Asphalt & Sealcoating
We have tried many sealers for research purposes to provide our customers with the best-quality product available. After much testing, GemSeal coal tar emulsion is the one we have used and stood behind for over 30 years. Never once did we change to another sealer because my customers and I have been continually satisfied with its performance and beauty.

Ronnie Adams, Owner
Sunbelt Asphalt Maintenance LLC
My name is Steve McLeod; I am the owner of Asphalt Seal & Repair and have been in the asphalt maintenance business for over 40 years servicing the state of Wisconsin.
Over the years I have tried virtually every asphalt sealing product out there, some good some bad and we currently use a variety of asphalt sealers. When I was approached by GemSeal to try POLYTAR I was a bit skeptical, as numerous other companies have claimed to have the best product available for sealcoating, with exaggerated claims and unfounded results.
Asphalt Seal & Repair first purchased POLYTAR and applied it to the loading dock and truck entrance of a large paper manufacturer, as well as a large hospital. Both of these clients have very high traffic and are open 24-7. After revisiting these job sites on a regular basis we were completely amazed at how the POLYTAR is holding up, not tearing and no wear in the drive lanes. POLYTAR has surpassed our expectations as well as those of our clients.
We have been offering POLYTAR as a premium option when bidding all jobs, with surprising results. Our clients want the superior product and started calling us mid-summer asking for POLYTAR by name because of the results seen at other job locations. ”

Steve McLeod, Owner
Asphalt Seal & Repair / De Pere, WI
Our company has used GemSeal for years and we are confident our customers will be pleased with the end result when using GemSeal products.
We appreciate GemSeal’s friendly service and on time delivery every shipment. In this business you don’t need excuses. ”

Rick Garrett, President
Advanced Asphalt Coating / Athens,GA
In October 2010 we had an automotive project to sealcoat the “Finished Product Lot” of an automotive manufacturer in the southeast. The project consisted of a storage lot of approximately 30 acres and required over 28,000 gallons of product. GemSeal provided drop tanks of raw sealer to allow us to mix on-site. Your trucks were always on time which allowed us to complete the project in a timely manner.
We received product from both your Memphis and Atlanta locations. We did not see any difference in the product from each location. There is no difference in the quality and color over the entire finished project. As you know there are changing weather conditions in the month of October and your sealer performed to expectation. Our customer is very satisfied with the project and is considering additional areas to sealcoat. We have already talked to them about re-sealing in 3 to 5 years. Your company’s brochure has been provided to reinforce this.
Stripes has the reputation of being the best sealcoat company in the area. We value this distinction and make every effort to maintain it. Using GemSeal products allows us to maintain this reputation. ”

James Thomas, Owner
Stripes / Tuscaloosa, AL
I have been a GemSeal customer since 1983 (28 years). I have never seriously considered any other sealer manufacturer. I have built the success of my companies on relationships and have always considered the folks at GemSeal a vital part of my company.
There is no question about the products they have but it is the service I get that makes the difference. I have been able to pick up the phone for marketing support or call the plant when I’m in a bind for material. They have not once let me down.
A great part of our success is due to our relationship with Harry Carter and GemSeal.

Bill Vann, President
Asphalt Solutions of Alabama, Inc